vrijdag 26 oktober 2018

Luke Skywalker painted

Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
Every army needs an inspiring leader and Luke Skywalker is just that. I really like the Star Wars Legion sculpt of the model and he was really easy and fast to paint. The only thing that bothers me is the slight bend in the lightsaber. I tried to straigthen it a couple of times with hot and cold water but to no avail.

Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
I'm looking forward to fielding this fella on the tabletop. All the early players already used him countless times because he was the first and only rebel commander and comes with the core set. Because of that you can see him played in many battle reports and from that it looks that Luke is a heavy hitter but expensive in points as well.

I was supose to play in a tournament today but alas that got canceled because there weren't enough players. I guess I have to wait a bit longer and hope to find other players soon.

dinsdag 23 oktober 2018

Rebel troops painted

Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted
Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted
(click to enlarge)
I have started painting my models and began with the Rebel side. Since it's been a while since I last painted snything I thought the rebel troops would be a good start. I think the Storm troopers might be a bit easier but I wanted rebels first.
I wanted to give them a uniform look and feel but I didn't want to paint all the models the same way. So no all green shirts and brown trousers but instead I have made a selection of colours that I used throughout the units. The boots, gloves and helmets have all been painted the same way.

Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted
The way I paint is block paint all the parts of a model first then wash the parts with a GW wash and then repaint and highlight the model. This turns out a decent table top standard for me. I like to put a little more time in individual models like the commanders.
Besides using a few colors througout the army I have used the red/brown color on the helmets and backpacks to tie them all toghether.

Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted
 As you can see I have done some conversions. I went for a few regular headswaps so no unit is really the same but I also used some heads from some old Wizzards of the coast models. I really like how they turned out. If you want to see the conversions before I painted them have a look HERE.
I had fun painting up the units, it ws nice to be painting again but 21 models was a bit much. I was looking forward to painting up this game slowly, unit by unit but I decided to throw that plan out of the window straight away.
Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted
The bases have been done pretty basic. Just a paint, wash, drybrush there with a tuft of static grass here and there. Because it's Star wars they could be fighting on a Tattooine table, Endor forrest moon table or on some sort of space port. Because I kept the bases quite nutrual they won't look too much off on like say a Bespin table.

I can't wait to get them on the table for a game soon. Unfortunately the tournament I wanted to go to got canceled. But a t least that give me a bit more time to paint up more units.

Star Wars Legion rebel troops painted