
vrijdag 26 oktober 2018

Luke Skywalker painted

Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
Every army needs an inspiring leader and Luke Skywalker is just that. I really like the Star Wars Legion sculpt of the model and he was really easy and fast to paint. The only thing that bothers me is the slight bend in the lightsaber. I tried to straigthen it a couple of times with hot and cold water but to no avail.

Star Wars Legion Luke Skywalker painted
I'm looking forward to fielding this fella on the tabletop. All the early players already used him countless times because he was the first and only rebel commander and comes with the core set. Because of that you can see him played in many battle reports and from that it looks that Luke is a heavy hitter but expensive in points as well.

I was supose to play in a tournament today but alas that got canceled because there weren't enough players. I guess I have to wait a bit longer and hope to find other players soon.

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