
woensdag 8 augustus 2018

Star Wars Legion: A New Hope

A long time ago in a galaxy very nearby.... I started in the miniature hobby about ten years ago. I have played mainly Warhammer 40K, Fantasy, Bolt Action and some modern wargaming like Spectre. Over the years the piles of unpainted miniatures grew larger and larger. Interest in games came and went. My Hobby time had been reduced to about 3 games a year and about one evening a month painting miniatures. I miss the hobby. And then, last year at the end of 2017 Fantasy Flight Games anounced that they would release Star Wars Legion. I was imedeately interested but my personal life was so bussy that I didn't pre-order straight away.

This gave me the opportunity to see if the game would live up to it's expectations. Now that the game is about 9 months out I can see that many players across the globe are playing and loving this game and now that I seem to have a little bit more time for myself that I can finally jump on the bandwagon.

Star Wars Legion box art
I was on holiday when I walked into a game store that was selling SW Legion and I could no longer resist the Force. I  only bought the core set and an extra expansion set of rebel troopers to start slowly.
I also discovered that there is already are pretty large and helpful community online that is willing to help out beginners. On social media you can find a lot of information and like minded people. On youtube you can find a couple of really good painting tutorials and battle reports. In the first week I was either assembling the models which was pretty straight forward or I was reading up on the rules or watching batrep's to get a feel of the game.

I think it is still early enough to jump on because there aren't a lot of different units out yet. You can learn the game pretty fast and only have to adapt when FFG release another wave of models with new command cards and upgrade cards.

So far I have been enjoying this game a lot. I also started this blog as a personal journal for my Legion related hobby articles. I plan on doing painting and modelling, Battle reports and Strategic and general articles.

Come back soon to see what I'm up to.

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